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Concho Valley Workforce Development Board


Concho Valley Workforce Development Board (CVWDB) was established according to federal government criteria, with the current organization based on Workforce Investment Act of 1998, which set forth guidelines for the formation of Local Workforce Development Boards. Although directed by the Federal Government, Texas' own in-place system was recognized as a leader among the states and many Texas processes are grandfathered to allow our system to continue to set the standard among the States. Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) annually allocates funds to CVWDB and assigns related performance targets / standards.

Funding originates from federal governments agencies - primarily the Department of Labor, Department of Health and Human Services, and Department of Agriculture- and state government regulations - Wagner Peyser Act. Standards are established by federal law, federal agency, and TWC.

The CVWDB is primarily responsible to TWC for the management administration of grant funds allocated to the local area and ensuring such resources are efficiently and effectively used to achieve the intended results.

Workforce Development Boards & Employers
Local Workforce Development Boards play an important role in the building of a quality workforce to meet the skill demands of Texas employers, as well as assisting Texans in their pursuit of good paying, productive jobs. Designed in the mid-1990s, the Federal government used Texas' system in drafting the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and in the newer, follow-on Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The Texas system has many exemptions, called "grandfather" provisions, that allow Texas to continue to serve its customers in its proven system.


The mission of the Concho Valley Workforce Development Board (CVWDB) is to promote the economic well-being of all residents through the delivery of employer-driven and customer-centered services. It is the intention of the board to ensure that every CVWDB resident has the opportunity to work in his or her chosen field at their highest desired capacity, and that each business' workforce is trained and ready as responsible employees. More details can be found in the Concho Valley Local Workforce Development Board Plan.

Local Workforce Development Board-12 (LWDB-12, or CVWDB) is one of 28 TWC Boards serving the State of Texas. CVWDB serves a 13-county area covering approximately 17,000 square miles and approximately 175,000 people (LWDB-12 region). It is primarily a rural-based economy with San Angelo and Brady as the largest 2 cities in the region


Judges from each county are Board Chief Elected Officials (CEOs) tasked with overseeing the Board's operations and appointing its members. Three CEOs are chosen as the Board's Lead CEOs and take the majority of responsibility for supporting the Board's daily operations where needed.

The partnership agreement between CVWDB and its CEOs sets forth their roles, responsibilities, relationships, and functions. The CEOs are primarily responsible for:

  • CVWDB member appointments
  • Review and final approval of the local workforce development plan