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Available Resources

Workforce Solutions of the Concho Valley has computers available within our facility for your employment needs. These computers are connected to the internet, providing you with access to employment opportunities from individual web pages to the businesses of your choice. Don't get discouraged if you do not have experience using a computer or surfing the web; we have trained staff that will assist you in viewing jobs on the internet, as well as guide you in other computer related services.

Some of the most popular job sites not only have job postings, but they also have areas for job seekers to post resumes, complete electronic job applications, list job fairs, offer search tips, and other related information. Job postings can be found in many other places. For example, cities, businesses, universities, and even special-interest groups may post listings on their websites.

Assistive Technology

From Braille embossers, to adjustable workstations, to specialized software programs, Workforce Solutions of the Concho Valley is supporting innovative approaches to increasing competitive, unsubsidized employment to individuals with disabilities.

Examples of the adaptive technology used in our resource room includes screen enlargement software that allows a user with visual impairments to make items presented on the computer screen larger, screen readers that verbalize the information presented on the computer monitor, Braille embossers that translate information and printouts coming from the computer into Braille dots, and computer accessories that can accommodate most any physical disability.

Our bilingual staff can provide you with the translation and ensure that you enjoy the full benefits of our services. Many of our documents are now available in Spanish or large print format. We also offer alternative workforce orientation classes to our Spanish speaking customers.

Currently Available Technology

Our assistive technology equipment consists of the following:

  • CCTV - Designed to help visually impaired customers by electronically enlarging the printed material and displaying it on the 17 inch high resolution monitor. It allows for easy change and adjustments of colors, magnification and horizontal and vertical document positioning
  • TrackBall - Replaces the traditional mouse with the pointing device that allows for easy manipulation using your thumb and index finger
  • Zoom Text - Software based technology available for our customers with visions impairments - Just like the CCTV it will enlarge anything on your computer screen with the added feature of reading the document aloud
  • JAWS - A popular software that provides full range of screen reading and screen magnification options 

The Work Ready Community certification is a nationally recognized program that pairs employers' support with assessments of employees and job seekers. Tom Green County was recognized in August 2017 as the second Work Ready Community in Texas, which will help attract new businesses to the area. Further, local employers can use the program's tools to hire and promote employees into optimal positions. That leads to reduced training costs, lower turnover, improved operations and customer service, and higher profits.

Want to gain a competitive edge on your job application and stand out as a candidate? Register to earn a National Career Readiness Certification (NCRC) today! The NCRC is a nationally recognized credential that certifies all of the skillsets you have accumulated during your professional experience. When you apply for a job, the NCRC compliments your resume and helps you market yourself as a qualified jobseeker. The WorkKeys Assessment includes three core sections: applied mathematics, workplace documents, and graphic literacy. Research has shown that individuals who excel in these three assessments demonstrate the foundational skills that help them excel in the workplace as well. To earn the NCRC, sign-up to take the WorkKeys Assessment at your local designated testing facility: Workforce Solutions of the Concho Valley. For more information, contact Michelle Pilsitz with Workforce Solutions of the Concho Valley at 325-653-2321.

This program is funded by state grant funds.