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Child Care

  1. Where are we located and how can we be reached?

    The physical address is 202 Henry O. Flipper, San Angelo, TX 76903. The mailing address is same as previously listed. The phone number is 1-800-996-7589 (toll free) or 325-653-2321 (local). The hours of operation are from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday excluding holidays.

  2. What counties do you serve?

    Coke, Concho, Crockett, Irion, Kimble, Mason, McCulloch, Menard, Reagan, Scheicher, Sterling, Sutton and Tom Green.

  3. Who is eligible to receive child care assistance?

    Those families who reside in the 13 counties that we serve (listed above) and who are working or in a training or education program for a minimum of 25 hours per week for a single parent or a minimum of 50 hours per week for a two-parent family.

  4. Is there an age limit for children who participate in the program?

    We help families with children below the age of 13 and under 19 years of age for a child with disabilities

  5. Who do we report your income to?

    Your income as well as other personal information is confidential and is not reported to anyone.

  6. How do I get on the Wait List to receive child care?

    You may call 1-800-996-7589 to see if you are eligible to be placed on the wait list or you can go to our website section "Applying for Child Care" to request contact from our office for this information.

  7. What should I do to stay on the wait list?

    You must call child care services every 60 days to remain active on the wait list.

  8. How long is the wait list?

    The wait list number changes daily depending on how many children drop and are added to our program. We will contact you via mail or by phone once we are able to place your children.

  9. What types of documentation do you require to verify my income?

    We accept pay check stubs from your employer, payroll history reports, letters of employment, etc. We also may call your employer to verify employment. We will discuss this with you thoroughly when we are able to enroll your children.

  10. Will I have to pay a fee and to whom?

    A parent fee or Parent Share of Cost will be assessed based on the number of children receiving care and your income. This fee is paid directly to your child care provider prior to you receiving child care.

  11. What happens if I lose my job?

    If you have a permanent job loss while receiving child care services, you are required to contact our office within 14 calendar days to report the change. You will be eligible for 3 months of continued childcare while you look for a job or enroll in a training or education program. We may also be able to reduce your parent fee during this time.

  12. What if I want a relative to keep my children?

    You may select an eligible relative to keep your children if they meet the following criteria:

    • Relative provider must be at least 18 years of age and be one of the following: the child’s grandparent, great-grandparent, aunt, uncle, or sibling if the sibling does not reside in the same household as the eligible child.
    • A relative provider may no longer reside in the same household as the child receiving child care services, unless the eligible child is the child of a teen parent.
    • Relative providers caring for a child in the relative’s home must now be listed with the Texas Department of Family And Protective Services (DFPS).