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Choosing a child care provider is a different and personal choice. The information provided below is meant to help you make the decision that best meets your needs and preferences for child care.

Types of Care

The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Child Care Licensing Division is responsible for ensuring the health and safety of children in the following types of care.

Licensed Child Care Centers

Licensed Child Care Centers may care for 13 or more children under the age of 14 for less than 24 hours in a day. Licensed centers are routinely inspected every 5 to 12 months, or more frequently if reports of abuse, neglect or violations of licensing minimum standards are received.

Licensed Family Homes

Licensed Family Homes may care for 7 to 12 children under the age of 14 for less than 24 hours per day in the caregiver's own home. Licensed homes are routinely inspected every 12 to 24 months, or more frequently if reports of abuse, neglect or violations of licensing minimum standards are received.

Registered Family Homes

Registered Family Homes may care for no more than 6 children in the caregiver's own home. They may also care for an additional 6 school age children. The number of children allowed in the home is determined by the ages of the children. Registered homes are routinely inspected every 1 to 3 years, or more frequently if reports of abuse, neglect or violations of licensing minimum standards are received.

Listed Family Homes

Listed Family Homes may care for no more than 3 children in addition to their own children. Listed Family Homes are NOT licensed or registered with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. They are not inspected unless a report alleging child care is offered subject to registration is received and reports of abuse or neglect are investigated.

Relative Care

Relative Care is defined as care provided by a relative who is at least 18 years of age and is one of the following: the child's grandparent, the child's great-grandparent, the child's aunt or uncle, or the child's sibling. Families receiving financial aid for child care through Workforce Solutions of the Concho Valley can choose a relative to care for their children.

Relative child care providers cannot reside in the same household as the child receiving care and must become a Listed Family Home with the Child Care Licensing Division. Some exceptions apply. Contact us at 325-653-2321 for more information.


For more information about child care licensing or to review the compliance history for child care facilities in your area, go to the Texas Health & Human Services - Child Care Regulation website.

You may also contact the local child care licensing office which is open Monday through Friday during business hours at:

San Angelo
622 South Oakes, Suite L
San Angelo, Texas 76903
(325) 657-8833

Within our group of providers on agreement, a parent has the choice of selecting providers that are CERTIFIED participants of the quality improvement system and are listed as Texas Rising Star Providers. See below for additional information.

Texas Rising Star Providers

A Texas Rising Star (TRS) Provider is a child care provider that has an agreement with a Local Workforce Development Board's (Board's) child care contractor to serve Texas Workforce Commission (TWC)- children on scholarship and that meets requirements that exceed the State's Minimum Child Care Licensing (CCL) Standards. All providers that have an agreement with the child care contractor are considered "TRS Entry Level" providers until they have been completed the official certification process.  Providers on agreement include Licensed Centers, and Licensed and Registered Child Care Home providers. The TRS Provider certification system offers three levels of certification (Two-Star, Three-Star, and Four-Star) to encourage providers to attain progressively higher certification requirements leading to a Four-Star level. Texas Rising Star Certification


Quality Child Care Providers 

To see a list of certified Texas Rising Star and Texas School Ready providers in our area, select the link below this information: 

Things to look for in a Quality Early Care and Education Program:
  • License displayed in a visible location
  • Entrances/Exits are secure
  • Low staff-to-child ratio
  • Staff are educated and has early childhood credentials
  • Certified CPR and First-Aid staff at all times
  • Schedule of daily activities posted and current
  • Separate space for quiet and active play
  • Children seem occupied and engaged by their activities
  • Child care providers handles conflict among the children in a positive manner
  • Child care providers seem patient and receptive to the needs of children
  • The center/home encourage parents to drop in and visit at any time
  • Open, frequent, and daily communication between parents and teachers
  • Parents are encouraged to participate and be involved
  • Facility serves nutritious meals/snacks and/or apart of Food Program
  • Current weekly menu posted in visible location
  • Facility is safe from hazards
  • Facility practices adequate cleaning and sanitizing procedures

Put yourself in your child's shoes, "Would you want to stay here?"

Questions to ask:

  • Is the quantity of toys and materials sufficient for the number of children in the classroom?
  • Are the toys and materials developmentally appropriate for the different age groups?
  • How are children disciplined? Are you comfortable with the discipline methods?
  • What kind of security measures are in place to assure the safety of the children?
  • Do any employees on staff have degrees in Child Development/Education?
Find a Child Care Provider

Workforce Solutions of the Concho Valley Child Care Services (CCS) maintains agreements with 57 providers in 13 counties. Of the 57 providers,  9 are Texas Rising Star Provider and 6 are Texas School Ready. To find a CCS provider in your area, select link below this information to view current CCS provider list:

Helpful Websites
  • Developed by the Texas Workforce Commission, the purpose of Texas Child Care Solutions is to provide parents and child care programs access to resources and information to assist them in making informed choices to meet their child care and program needs.

  • Find child care programs based on your location and children’s age.

  • A guide for Texas parents of children with diagnosed or suspected disabilities. You are not alone. We can help.

  • Provides families with young children easy access to Texas state agency programs, services, and resources and is a partner of various state agencies such as the Texas Education Agency and Texas Department of State Health Services.

  • Connecting People and Services.